Monthly Archives: April 2010

Experiment with posting from my fancy special magic phone

So this is just an experiment to see if it is even possible to post from my phone. I don’t like typing with my thumbs but otherwise so far so good. Hope things are great with everyone. I am at work and getting sleepier by the second and then I am off.

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Howdy everybody!

Well i finally have a blog of me very own. Actually i have had two such blogs in the past but almost never use them. In fact it has been so long since i posted anything that i can no longer remember the passwords or even the account names. I can see them, glimmering there, with the promise of wit and wisdom held out like a big shiny red apple, but alas i lack the technical skill to get in there and do anything about it. Oh well.

So here is my first post. I’ve tried several times to write things that are witty, wonderful and well regarded but usually my own brain, struggling for love and adoration, screws it all up. Hopefully i can keep the tone light and flowing and get my gray matter lobotomized or at least shoved into a corner while composing.

Ideally this should all be fun. I am a firm believer that if writing isn’t fun it’s called work. That said there will probably be a few little bits of this and that, gems of a philosophical nature, political vomittings, reviews, and a wide assortment of random thoughts – starting with this one. For future reference, however, if the readers should choose to respond please keep your language, thoughts, and opinions to a considerate, respectful tone and i will endeavour to do the same. Should you devolve to the gutteral noise such as can be heard from all the far corners of the media world these days you will find yourself casually ignored. I’d rather not do that, however, but for my own peace of mind – which does not appreciate being broiled into loud repetitive arguments – i will.

Otherwise, have a good time while you’re here. Enjoy the weather. Have a good steaming cup of joe on the porch with me!

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Hello world!

Welcome to This is your first post. Edit or delete it and start blogging!

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